1:1 Health Education Consultations

Health Education Consultations are our prevention and early intervention programming. Consultations are located on the first floor of the Student Wellness Center. Please call 408-924-5678 to make an appointment and check-in at the main reception front desk. 


Meet with a Registered Dietitian

Consultation topics include:

  • Medical diagnosis with nutrition-related management: diabetes, low blood sugar, high blood pressure, and/or high cholesterol
  • Food and body image concerns
  • Disordered eating/eating disorders
  • Digestive problems
  • Vegetarian or vegan diet advice
  • Family history of nutrition-related disease
  • Appetite changes
  • Vitamin or mineral deficiency related to diet
  • Sports performance
  • Balanced Nutrition throughout different life stages
  • Gastrointestinal / Digestive Concerns 

Alcohol & Other Drugs

Alcohol and other drug use is a major concern on college campuses due to the effect it may have on your academic and physical performance. Take charge of your health and learn information and resources on how to make responsible choices to improve your well-being and achieve your goals.

Sexual Health (By Referral Only)

Knowledge of sexual health and wellness is essential for college students. Enrich your health and well-being by learning how to engage in safer sex practices, foster healthy relationships, and recognize signs of domestic violence. Talk to a Health Educator to learn about important services and options available to you.

Consultation topics include:

  • Birth control and pregnancy options
  • Sexually transmitted infections (prevention, testing, treatment)
  • Recognizing healthy, unhealthy, and abusive behaviors in relationships
  • Consent and communication

Mental Health

Not sure if you should see a counselor just yet? Schedule a Mental Health Education consultation which include tools and tips on general mental health and how to address issues around low self esteem or confidence, feelings of being overwhelmed, loneliness and isolation, sleep hygiene, and self-care.